Manque de direction s

Publié le par fratoy





Eh oui je ne sais si le fait de ne pouvoir me décider à repasser en amer centrale pour mettre le cap vers l'Alaska a contaminé « campickup » toujours est il que je suis actuellement bloqué (faute d'un ennui de direction) chez le concessionnaire Toyota de Piura (Pérou)) et remets à plus tard mon expédition dans l'est péruvien (Tarapoto) pour l'observation d'oiseaux uniques.


Envoyé par JF Subrini :


Je viens de trouver l'endroit pour voir le fameux oiseaux :

Près de GOCTA :
Near Florida is the Río Chido trail, a famous birdwatching site with some rare species, including the marvelous spatuletail hummingbird. Access is five minutes
before the high point on the road to Florida, at San Ignacio. A highly recommended guide is Dilberto Faustino, who is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. A
second site to see the marvelous spatuletail is a 4-ha plot owned by Santos Montenegro. Take a mototaxi from Pomacochas to the cruce opposite the police
control, US$0.50. Santos and his brother Wilmer guide birders to the sites where the birds are most likely to be feeding. The best months are May-July. A
donation will help this private reserve to protect this unique bird. Pomacochas community has a reforestation project for trees favoured by hummingbirds on the
road towards Pedro Ruiz. It is operated with the help of ECOAN (Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos,, which has various bird conservation
projects in the Río Marañón and Alto Mayo corridor and others throughout Peru.

Et voici un autre endroit :
Laguna de los Cóndores
In 1996 a spectacular site consisting of six burial chullpas, containing 219 mummies and vast quantities of ceramics, textiles, woodwork, quipus and everyday
utensils from the late Inca period, was discovered at Laguna de los Cóndores, a beautiful lake in a jungle setting, south of Leymebamba.
In order to protect this major discovery from huaqueros, who had already done considerable damage, the material was moved to the excellent Museo
Leymebamba i outside San Miguel, on the road to Celendín, T041-816803,, Tue-Sun 1000-1630, entry US$3.60, additional
donations are welcome. Spanish, English and German explanations. Taxi from Leymebamba US$2.50. From the town it’s a pleasant 45-minute walk, 3 km
south to San Miguel, the site of the original Leymebamba town; from there, take the footpath uphill (the road is much longer). A portion of the over 5000 artefacts
discovered are on display, the great majority of them from the Laguna de los Cóndores site. There are artefacts from Chachapoya, Inca and other cultures. The
museum and its materials were entirely made by hand, a true artisan construction. Across the road, in a lovely setting is Kentikafe, offering snacks, drinks and
observation of 17 species of hummingbird (including the marvelous spatuletail) attracted to their many feeders; lodging was under construction in 2010, enquire
at T041-816804.
The trip to Laguna de los Cóndores from Leymebamba takes nine to 10 hours each way on horseback (three days in all). It is not for the faint-hearted, but is
generally agreed to be one of the trips of a lifetime. The route climbs to 3700 m before descending to the laguna where there is a basic lodge, US$7, run by
Hospedaje Laguna de los Cóndores in Leymebamba. Bring a sleeping bag, warm clothes and all food and cook it there or pay the family to prepare it. Make
sure your horse is in good condition as the track is often knee deep in mud. It is best done during the dry season (May to September). A US$3.60 fee is payable
at the INC in Leymebamba. Guides can be arranged by Leymebamba hotels; the
NorthernHighlandsChachapoyasRegion q511
cost for guides, muleteers and horses is US$9-11 per day for each, plus food. Three-day tours with Chachapoyas agencies run at about US$120-130 per
person. Unfortunately, the impressive funerary site overlooking the river has been stripped of artefacts and even some of its colourful plaster. Please do not
climb on the houses or remove anything.

, take the footpath uphill (the road is much longer). A portion of the over 5000 artefacts
discovered are on display, the great majority of them from the Laguna de los Cóndores site. There are artefacts from Chachapoya, Inca and other cultures. The
museum and its materials were entirely made by hand, a true artisan construction. Across the road, in a lovely setting is Kentikafe, offering snacks, drinks and
observation of 17 species of hummingbird (including the marvelous spatuletail) attracted to their many feeders; lodging was under construction in 2010, enquire
at T041-816804.
The trip to Laguna de los Cóndores from Leymebamba takes nine to 10 hours each way on horseback (three days in all). It is not for the faint-hearted, but is
generally agreed to be one of the trips of a lifetime. The route climbs to 3700 m before descending to the laguna where there is a basic lodge, US$7, run by
Hospedaje Laguna de los Cóndores in Leymebamba. Bring a sleeping bag, warm clothes and all food and cook it there or pay the family to prepare it. Make
sure your horse is in good condition as the track is often knee deep in mud. It is best done during the dry season (May to September). A US$3.60 fee is payable
at the INC in Leymebamba. Guides can be arranged by Leymebamba hotels; the
NorthernHighlandsChachapoyasRegion q511
cost for guides, muleteers and horses is US$9-11 per day for each, plus food. Three-day tours with Chachapoyas agencies run at about US$120-130 per
person. Unfortunately, the impressive funerary site overlooking the river has been stripped of artefacts and even some of its colourful plaster. Please do not
climb on the houses or remove anything.





C'est en fait sur le conseil de Toyota Loja (Equateur) que mes ennuis devaient se résoudre et je doute pouvoir etre quitte ce jour (27 dec.)après une première recherche effectuée le 24 décembre sans résultat. De plus en passant la frontière le 23 au soir du coté de Macara, un équatorien, paraissant etre pressé de sortir de son pays ou d'entrer au Pérou (1er producteur de cocaine exaequo avec la Colombie) a essayé malencontreusement de me retirer le pare choc avant en présence de la Police. La réparation , a ses frais (9€) a été effectuée le lendemain au bord de route dans une « station » digne du far west et par un péruvien, somme toute, très habile.


A part cela, ça baigne toujours du coté Pacifique.

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